- (202) 656-0791
- info@valethealthcare.com
- MON - FRI | 9:00AM - 5:00PM
who we are
Empower each patient I encounter with knowledge of health promotion and disease prevention that is holistic, culturally and ethnically competent, gender identified and age specific. So that each day is lived with maximum physical and mental capacity.
Provide affordable. evidence based, high quality, culturally tailored healthcare for disease prevention and treatment to each patient I encounter adopting the Value over Volume base model.
ValetHealth offers medical HouseCalls and Telemedicine visits to a large variety of patients. Breaking free from traditional clinical practices and barries of transportation. Provide same-day services and increasing access to care.
Washington, DC residents continue to suffer from significant health disparities. Access to adequate health care and health outcomes are worse among the poor and minorities in the city.
We address these issues by concentrating on the VALUE of health, providing affordable evidence-based quality care, focusing on treatment and health outcomes, promoting prevention of chronic illness and being a equal partner in the process. Appreciating value of health over volume of patients seen.
“When you see something that is not right, not just, not fair, you have a moral obligation to speak out, you have to say something; you have to do something.” ~John R. Lewis
(Price May Vary Given Location and Weather)
(Includes full history, physical with ht/wt/BP/vision/hearing, forms)
(Established patient)
Up to three (3) 30-day prescription refills. No controlled medication.
(Over 15 minutes / 30 minutes)
(Depending on physical or wellness form needed)
(New Patient/Established Patient)
(New Patient/Established Patient)
(Over 15 minutes / 30 minutes)
Customers reviews
Our promise is to empower each patient with knowledge of health promotion & disease prevention that is holistic, culturally & ethnically competent, gender identity & age specific.
*Not accepting insurance at this time. This service will be coming soon.
In lieu of COVID-19, ValetHealth is taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. We will continue to serve our patients via telemedicine. House calls remain on an as needed base only. We will keep everyone updated with any changes.